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For those times when you just need to hit the eject button. Here’s two methods to undo changes in the Elementor website builder.
Covering freelancing, Wordpress web design, SEO and digital marketing. Everything you need to start, or optimise your own freelancing business.
For those times when you just need to hit the eject button. Here’s two methods to undo changes in the Elementor website builder.
For those times when you just need to hit the eject button. Here’s two methods to undo changes in the Elementor website builder.
A Cloudflare SSL certificate lasts 15 years. The Let’s Encrypt SSL expires and renews every 6 months. I know which one I prefer to use.
How to reveal an alternate heading or menu when a visitor scrolls down the page. No plugins, no file modifications. Everything happens in the Elementor builder.
Using a child theme is a great ‘best practice’ habit to get into. It’s saved me hours of heartache when dealing with unintended consequences.
Blackshot Design is a boutique freelance web/seo/digital marketing agency currently located in the beautiful Whitsunday Islands, Northern Queensland, Australia.
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